Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I have been selected to have lunch with the president of the company I work for. That's right. Next Thursday a small handful of coworkers and I will enjoy lunch in a semi-private area tucked away somewhere in this 5 million square foot building with none other than the president of a Fortune 500 company. Double gulp.
What if I sneeze on him or something?
Goodness knows it's not *totally* out the realm of possibility.
At this point I haven't a clue as to what I'm going to ask, but I know one thing: I want to ask at least one great question. This is a man that has flown combat missions during Desert Storm. He's on the Board of Trustees for the American Institute for CPCU. Simply put, he knows more than a great deal about the military, insurance and he knows how to effectively lead a company of thousands of employees.
Although I'm definitely wondering how the heck I was picked for something like this, the more pressing questions on my mind are what should I ask him and, more importantly, what should I wear? That cute Prada dress and my favorite Louboutin shoes? Also, where can I buy these things for less than $100?


Φ said...

Never having been in a similar situation, I doubt that I have anything helpful to offer. What advice I do have has probably already occurred to you:

Don't say anything you wouldn't say in a job interview or while conducting official company business;

Display what you've learned about the organization since you've been there if it is appropriate to do so at some point;

Stay positive and don't be a complainer;

Don't be obsequious.

In short, show him that you are a serious, mature, and thoughtful member of the organization.

While it would be a good idea to show up with some questions in mind, there would probably be an opportunity during mealtime conversation to show him what kind of an employee you are.

Good luck. And try to enjoy it!

Φ said...

Sorry. What I meant to say in my previous comment is that you will probably have an opportunity to impress him without having to ask him a question simply by participating in the conversation.

Juniper said...

Hands down, the best advice yet. Thank you, mysterious Φ. I feel better already!