Sunday, August 22, 2010

Oratory Should Raise Your Heart Rate. Oratory Should Blow the Doors off the Place.

I have decided that every Sunday I'm going to do my damnedest to post a quote or two from one of my favorite television drama series, The West Wing.
My affinity for this particular show needn't be discussed here in great length but I will say how grateful I am for the television network Bravo for generously running the series in it's entirety while I was on bed rest for a lengthy portion of my pregnancy. Bravo for Bravo! Heh. The timing kicked some serious ass. I am also grateful for losing the remote and my subsequent inability to change the channel as desired when the third episode from the first season began.
I remember watching the first few minutes in a recalcitrant huff, muttering my disgust with liberal Hollywood while frantically digging beneath the covers for the ever-elusive clicker. But quite like magic my disgust morphed into startlingly eager interest as the palpable chemistry between Donna and Josh was revealed through their exchanged banter.
By the end of the episode I found the *entire* cast (sans Moira Kelly) to be refreshingly talented and the cleverly unfolding storyline to be remarkably captivating. The long Steadicam tracking shots down the corridors of The West Wing were a huge bonus and made what normally might have been exhaustive dialogue into instead irresistibly entertaining parlance.
And, oh my- the exquisite writing. Writing at times so moving it brought me to tears, other times so hilarious it provoked a deep belly laugh lasting longer than a full minute, easy. It was the writing that kept me coming back for more and it was the writing that demanded the immediate purchase of all seven seasons on DVD.
Needless to say, I happily acquiesced to the demand. And the rest, as they say, is history.

So, there it is. My inner nerd has reared it's ugly head and refuses to be contained any longer.
I'm kicking off this tradition with one of my favorite short-but-sweet quotes...
And by the way, thanks for reading. You rock. :)

"Words. Words when spoken out loud for the sake of performance are music. They have rhythm and pitch and timbre and volume. These are the properties of music and music has the ability to find us and move us and lift us up in ways that literal meaning can't."

~President Josiah “Jed” Bartlet, The West Wing


EvanP said...

If only it wasn't so relentlessly liberal.

Juniper said...

Did you ever actually watch the show, Evan?