Monday, October 04, 2010

Peek inside a chick's mind. (Be afraid, be very afraid.)
I once dated a guy who was convinced I had the ability to make any man (or woman, for that matter) fall in love with me just by my looking at them. You read that right, his position was that this hypnotizing look in my eye triggered LOVE. I'd concede I do ogle quite impressively, but firmly held that this ogling couldn't affect everyone in the same manner; plus, we all possess free will and love's a choice. He'd counter that mine was a nondiscriminatory stare and he was undividedly sanguine that this love charm would work on any person of my choosing and if I chose them, they were left without one- they had to love me.
I'm not gonna lie, back then I thought it was sweet. He'd gush about my gaze and debate if twinkle was a more appropriate word than sparkle. I'd sigh and swoon.
Looking back I (gag and then) think it's actually kind of funny that he thought I could cast some sort of magical spell that causes any partner to fall in love with me without their consent.
Funny...and just a *tad* insulting.
Because, if you think about it, it could easily be interpreted that he felt he was only in love with me because of this sparkle or..uhh, man. Why don't I just start dating girls?
Anyway, I'm pretty sure his theory is sort of like if a guy were to say "If I would have been sober and had my wits about me, it's possible I never would have f*cked her."
Quite the compliment, don't you think? :)

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